Anticancer Agents and Ototoxicity - ENT Residency Notes (2025)

- Anticancer agents can cause ototoxicity, which is a side effect that can lead to hearing loss.

- Ototoxicity criteria for diagnosis include specific decreases in hearing frequency levels and loss of response in consecutive frequencies.

- The aetiological agents of ototoxicity can lead to temporary or permanent hearing loss and can be cochleotoxic or vestibulotoxic, depending on the type and dose of the toxin.

- Aminoglycosides are a group of antibiotics that are known to be ototoxic, especially when serum levels are elevated above 2µg/ml.

- The mechanism of aminoglycoside ototoxicity involves cellular injury in the inner ear, particularly affecting the sensory neuroepithelium.

- There are various risk factors that can predispose individuals to ototoxicity, including genetic susceptibility, impaired renal or liver function, and longer durations of treatment.

- Loop diuretics can also potentiate the toxicity of aminoglycosides and increase permeability in the stria vascularis.

- Topical therapy with aminoglycosides via ear drops rarely causes ototoxicity, especially when combined with steroids to reduce toxicity.

- Cisplatin, another chemotherapeutic agent, can also lead to ototoxicity through the generation of reactive oxygen species and oxidative stress, resulting in cellular apoptosis in the inner ear.

- Clinical features of ototoxicity caused by cisplatin can include gradual, progressive hearing loss, tinnitus, and vestibular impairment.

- Investigations for ototoxicity may include early high-frequency audiometry, otoacoustic emission testing, and speech discrimination threshold assessments.

- New treatment modalities, such as injections with gel and epinephrine, have been explored to mitigate cisplatin-induced hearing loss in patients.- Cochlear hair cells are sensitive cells in the inner ear responsible for hearing.

- Ethacrynic acid, frusemide, and bumetadine are diuretic medications that can potentiate the ototoxicity (toxicity to the ear) of aminoglycosides.

- Renal failure and low albumin levels can increase the risk of ototoxicity from these medications.

- Frusemide should be infused at a rate of less than 15mg/min, with serum levels monitored to be below 50 μg/ml to reduce the risk of ototoxicity.

- Clinical features of ototoxicity include reversible hearing impairment, permanent hearing loss, flat sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL), tinnitus, and ataxia.

- Salicylates affect the ionic conductance of outer hair cells in the cochlea without causing structural damage to spiral ganglion cells or the myelin sheath of the 8th nerve.

- Salicylates can lead to reversible hearing loss and tinnitus, with serum concentrations between 20-50 mg/dl causing a 30dB hearing loss.

- Quinine affects the motility of outer hair cells and can cause reversible hearing loss, tinnitus, nausea, and vomiting, with prolonged use potentially leading to permanent hearing loss.

- Cinchonism is a set of symptoms associated with quinine toxicity, including deafness, vertigo, tinnitus, headache, nausea, and visual loss.

- Chloroquine, a synthetic drug, may cause permanent sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL).

- Erythromycin can be toxic to outer hair cells, leading to symptoms such as tinnitus, hearing loss, vertigo, and flat SNHL. Recovery may occur within 1-2 weeks after stopping the medication.

- Management of ototoxicity involves identifying risk factors, modifying drug doses, and employing otoprotective approaches such as using iron chelators and antioxidants.

- Monitoring for ototoxicity may involve baseline audiometric evaluations, otoacoustic emissions testing, auditory brainstem response (ABR) testing, and vestibular monitoring.

- Management of ototoxicity may include withdrawing the offending drug, repeated hearing tests, hearing aid or cochlear implant use, vestibular rehabilitation, and genetic counseling.

Anticancer agents and Ototoxicity


Cure or prolonged remission : Primary modality

Palliation : shrinkage of evident tumour, alleviation of symptoms, prolongation of life

Phase specific chemotherapy: (kinetic scheduling)

Proliferating /dividing cells or resting cells

Drug administration- timing such a way that cells are synchronized into a phase sensitive to the chemotherapy (Short courses of treatment)- Pulses

Cell cycle specific chemotherapy:

Actively dividing cells

Dose-related plateau

Duration of exposure should be increased

Cell cycle-nonspecific chemotherapy:

Proliferating and resting cells

Linear dose-response curve

Tumour growth:

Kinetics is regulated by:

Doubling time- (cell cycle time)

Time taken by tumors to double its volume; varies considerably between tissue types

Growth fraction-

Percentage of tumor cells passing through the cell cycle at a given point in time, greatest in early stages

Cell loss-

Unsuccessful division, death, desquamation, metastasis and migration

Reduced apoptosis – major factor

Classification according to mechanism of action

Alkylating agents: melphalan, cyclophosphamide, busulphan, lomustine, dacarbazine, mitomycin C.

Heavy metals: cisplatin, carboplatin, oxaliplatin.

Antimetabolite: methotrexate, 5 fluorouracil, cytarabine, 6-mercaptopurine, thioguanine.

Cytotoxic antibiotic: bleomycin, doxorubicin, actinomycin-D.

Spindle poison: vincristine, vinblastine

Topoisomerase inhibitor: irinotecan, topetecan, etoposide.

Alkylating agents

Highly reactive compounds

Covalently linked group (R–CH2)

Crosslink between DNA strands

Interfere with enzymes involved in DNA replication

Most severe damage in S phase


Orally or i.v.

Single dose of 500 – 1000 mg/m2 every 3 or 4 weeks

Well hydration

S/E: bone marrow suppression, hemorrhagic cystitis, nausea/vomiting, alopecia, infertility, ridging of nails


Structurally related to cyclophosphamide

7-10 gm/m2 i/v infusion over 5 days or over 3 to 5 days in equally divided dose

S/E: haemorrhagic cystitis (MESNA administration), myelosuppression, nausea, vomiting, hyponatraemia, CNS toxicity

Heavy metals


Inorganic heavy metal complex

DNA cross linking- to guanine group

80 – 100mg/m2 every 3 - 4 weeks or by intravenous infusion

Standard treatment in concomitant chemo radiotherapy either as a mono or polychemotherapy in combination with 5-FU in HNC (Pignon et al., 2009)

S/E: nausea, vomiting, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, anaemia, renal toxicity (not used if creatinine clearance <40 ml/min), ototoxicity, peripheral neuropathy


Cisplatin bonded to organic carboxylate gp.

More soluble & slower hydrolysis (less nephrotoxic and neurotoxic)

400mg/m2 i.v. ≈ 100 mg/m2 of cisplatin – safe

Can be given as mono or polychemotherapy with 5-FU

S/E: myelosuppression



Folic acid analog, S phase specific

i/m, s/c, i/v

40–60mg/m2 i/v bolus, weekly.

70mg/m2 require folinic acid rescue action

Relatively nontoxic, inexpensive and convenient

S/E: stomatitis, gingivitis, bone marrow depression, maculopapular rash, renal toxicity (hydration and alkalinization of urine)

5- Fluorouracil:

Fluorinated pyrimidine similar to uracil

Inhibits formation of thymine, factor for DNA synthesis

10-15 mg/kg i/v weekly or,

400-500mg/m2 i/v daily for 5 days followed by 400-500 mg/m2 weekly

Continuous infusion with improved response rate

In combination with cisplatin (PF), given as induction chemotherapy

Beneficial when given as polychemotherapy with either platins than monotherapy for concomitant chemoradiation (Pignon et al., 2009)

S/E: myelosuppression, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, stomatitis, alopecia, rash

Cytotoxic antibiotics

Bleomycin: Anti-neoplastic antibiotic derived from Streptomyces sps

Break DNA strand by binding and producing O2 free radicals

10-20 U/m2 i/m or i/v once or twice weekly by infusion

S/E: fever, chills, stomatitis, hyperpigmentation, pulmonary fibrosis, anaphylaxis

Adriamyin (Doxorubicin)- Anthracycline antibiotic – Streptomyces sps

Interfere with nucleic acid synthesis (DNA gyrase)

60 – 75 mg/m2 i/v every 3 weeks

S/E: stomatitis, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, alopecia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, cardiomyopathy  congestive heart failure (in 10% of patients; cumulative dose of 550 mg/m2)

Actinomycin D : interacts between C;G base pairs

Mitomycin C : Crosslinks DNA (like alkylating agents)

Spindle poisons

Vinca alkaloids:

cause mitotic arrest by disrupting microtubular spindle formation

Vinblastine, Vincristine

Vinblastine 5 mg/m2 i/v weekly or by continuous infusion

Vincritine 1.0-1.5 mg/m2 i/v once or twice monthly

Single dose should not exceed 2 mg

S/E: sensory motor peripheral neuropathy, alopecia, constipation


Palcitaxel: bark of pacific yew (Taxus brevifolia)

promotes assembly of microtubules and inhibits their disassembly

Cause cell cycle arrest at G2 phase by binding to tubulin and preventing microtubule depolymerization

Paclitaxel: 135-250 mg/m2 i.v. infusion over 3-24 hours

Docetaxel: 60-100 mg/m2 i.v. bolus every 3 weeks

S/E: neutropenia, infection


Inhibit topoisomerase enzyme (responsible for DNA replication, chromatid segregation and transcription)

Topoisomerase I inhibitors : Camptothecin, derived from Camptotheca acuminate (a Chinese tree)

Topoisomerase II inhibitors: etoposide are semisynthetic derivatives of Podophyllum peltatum, the American mandrake

Chemotherapy regimen in ENT

Side effect : anticancer drugs

Side effect : anticancer drugs

Side effect : anticancer drugs

Prevention of chemotherapeutic side effects

Adequate hydration, diuresis

Anti oxidant drugs

Allopurinol and ebselen reduces cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity in a rat model (Lynch et al.,2005)

Anti inflammatory drugs : salicylates

Intracellular Distribution : Procainamide protects against the nephrotoxicity of cisplatin (Viale.,2000)

Novel Therapies

Monoclonal antibodies against epidermal growth factor receptors: Cetuximab (c225)

Targeted small molecule against EGFR : Geftinib, erlotinib

Monoclonal Ab against VEGF receptor : Bevacizumab

Trastuzumab (Herceptin) : Humanoid Mab against HER-2 receptor

Ritiximab : monoclonal Ab against CD20

Bortezomib: proteasome inhibitor



Chemical injury to the labyrinth occurring as a side effect of pharmacotherapy (Scott Brown 7th ed.)

Criteria for diagnosis of ototoxicity

(a) ≥20 dB decrease at any one test frequency

(b) ≥10 dB decrease at any two adjacent frequencies, or

(c) loss of response at three consecutive frequencies where responses were previously obtained confirmed by repeat testing, generally within 24 hours

(ASHA guidelines,1997)

Cochleotoxic/ vestibulotoxic depending upon type of toxin and dose

Reversible/ irreversible

Aetiological agents

Temporary hearing loss : Quinine, Aspirin, Ethacrynic acid/furosemide, Erythromycin, azithromycin, clarithromycin

Permanent hearing loss : Aminoglycosides, Cisplatin/Carboplatin,Vancomycin,Toluene, Benzene

Both cochleo/vestibulotoxic : Aminoglycosides, Cisplatin/Carboplatin , vancomycin

Isolated reports of ototoxicity: Arsenicals, bromides, chloramphenicol, chlorhexidine, mercurials, polymixinB, tetracycline, vinblastine, vincristine


Mechanism of aminoglycoside ototoxicity

Major target : sensory neuroepithelium of inner ear

Cellular injury by binding with iron to form toxic metabolite – ROS and free radicals, Free radical formation  apoptotic cell death

In cochlea, outer > inner hair cells

In vestibule, type I > type II hair cells

crista ampulli > utricular or saccular maculi

Genetic predisposition : mutation 12S rRNA (0.5 % in caucasians) - maternally transmitted

Time and concentration dependent, serum level of > 2µg/ml

Risk factors

Genetic susceptibility

Impaired renal and liver function


Elevated temperature

Longer duration of treatment

Critically ill, debilitated, malnourished condition, elderly>65

Foetus susceptible at 18-20 wks of gestation

Loop diuretics : potentiates toxicity

increase permeability of stria vascularis

Ototoxicity with topical therapy

Ear drops containing aminoglycosides rarely cause ototoxicity even with perforation of TM, but vestibular toxicity has been reported in several series. (Marais et al.,1998)

Incidence of topical aminoglycoside–associated ototoxicity may be about 1 per 10,000 patients (Roland et al.,2004)

Humans : Thicker round window membranes; a deeper round window niche antibiotics without any known ototoxic potential (fluoroquinolones), they should be used as a first-line treatment

(AAO HNS recommendation 2004)

combining aminoglycoside ototopicals with steroids, as with results in significantly less ototoxicity than using the aminoglycoside alone (Park et al.,2004)

Clinical feature and natural history

Gradual progressive hearing loss,

usually symmetrical bilaterally


May occur even weeks following cessation of drug

Sudden profound SNHL - reported

High  low frequency hearing loss ( basal turn of cochlea affected first)

+/- tinnitus

B/L vestibular impairment


Reactive oxygen species and free radicals  oxidative stress  apoptosis

Loss of outer hair cells > inner hair cells

Spiral ganglion cells + cochlear neurons degeneration

Mammalian vestibule less sensitive to cisplatin toxicity than aminoglycoside

Risk factors:

High cumulative dose >200mg/m2

Previous noise exposure (3 fold increase)

Low serum albumin levels, low RBC levels

Renal or liver dysfunction

Patient with NPC (cranial RT + Cisplatin Chemotherapy)

Clinical feature:

B/L, symmetric, progressive, high frequency SN hearing loss

Sudden SNHL- reports of spontaneous recovery


Transient tinnitus (2-36%)

Vestibular symptom less common than aminoglycoside , occur at >400mg/m2


Early high frequency audiometry

Otoacoustic emission

Speech discrimination threshold may be markedly decreased

New t/t modality

Injection as gel along with epinephrine, weekly for 4 weeks

100% of patients who receive high-dose cisplatin (150 to 225 mg/m2) may show some degree of hearing loss in ultrahigh-frequency audiometry (Mynatt et al 2006)

Loop diuretics

Mechanism of injury :

Oedema of stria vascularis

Loss of endocochlear potential (driving force for cochlear hair cells)

Ethacrynic acid> Frusemide>Bumetadine

Potentiate the ototoxicity of aminoglycosides

Renal failure, low albumin increase risk

Ototoxicity of frusemide - reduced by infusing @ <15mg/min and serum level < 50 mg/ml

Incidence ~ 6%

Clinical feature:

Reversible hearing impairment, permanent profound, mid and high frequency hearing loss

Flat SNHL, tinnitus, ataxia may be associated


Affects ionic conductance through OHC (alters function of protein prestin)

No structural damage to spiral ganglion cells/ myelin sheath of 8th nerve reported

In dose of pyrexia treatment, protects cochlea against Gentamycin toxicity (Chen et al., 2007)

Linear relationship with serum drug concentration

Clinical feature: Reversible tinnitus, hearing impairment (flat SNHL), permanent rarely

Animal experiment- salicylates rapidly enter perilymph

Serum concentration of 20-50 mg/dl - 30dB of hearing loss


Affects motility of outer hair cells

Reversible hearing loss and tinnitus, nausea and vomiting

High frequency, notch 4kHz

Prolonged treatment- permanent hearing loss

Cinchonism – deafness, vertigo, tinnitus, headache, nausea, visual loss

Congenital deafness and hypoplasia in cochlea – 1st trimester

If hearing loss occurs in speech frequency – permanent

Chloroquine, synthetic drug may lead to permanent SNHL


Toxic to outer hair cells

Blowing tinnitus, loss of hearing, and vertigo

flat type of SNHL, although some patients manifest a high-frequency loss

recovery within 1 to 2 weeks after stopping erythromycin

Can also occur with azithromycin, clarithromycin

Approach to the management of ototoxicity

Identification of risk factors

genetic susceptibility – positive family H/O aminoglycoside ototoxicity

deranged renal and liver function test

longer period of treatment – cumulative effect


administration of multiple ototoxic drugs

Modification of drug dose

Close monitoring

Otoprotective approach

Iron chelators: deferoxamine and dihydroxybenzoate

Antioxidants: lipoic acid, d-methionine, Glutathione (Rybak et al., 2007)

N acetylcysteine (Tepel M, 2007)

p53 inhibitor, pifithrin-alpha, caspase inhibitors, and gene therapy

( inhibition of cell death pathway) – in research

Spin-trapping agents: Alpha-phenyl-N-tert-butyl-nitrone can effectively trap and inactivate ROS and other free radicals (Ekborn et al.,2002)

Ototoxicity monitoring : American academy of audiology guidelines 2009

Baseline audiometric evaluation : PTA, Tympanogram

Ultra-high frequency PTA up to 16-20kHz HFA permits detection of aminoglycoside-induced or cisplatin-induced ototoxic losses well before changes become evident in the conventional range (Fausti et al.,1992)

Otoacoustic emission: TEOAEs or DPOAEs responses tend to change before hearing thresholds in the conventional frequency range, but not before changes in HFA thresholds (Knight et al. 2007)


High-frequency ABR testing

Elongation of latency

Disappearance of click-evoked wave V

Vestibular monitoring-

Electronystagmography (ENG)

Rotational chair testing and caloric testing – VOR

Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (VEMPs)

Computerized dynamic posturography (CDP) – Platform posturopathy

Management of ototoxicity:

Withdrawal of the drug

Hearing test – several times (possibility of spontaneous recovery)

Hearing aid/cochlear implant

Vestibular rehabilitation

Genetic counselling

Perinatal exposure – parental counselling, hearing evaluation

Anticancer Agents and Ototoxicity - ENT Residency Notes (2025)
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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

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