Japan culture S.Korea movies outsell Hollywood & US media is crashing / Not So Free Chat (2025)

Hollywood is dying, almost dead, the US comicbooks are also dying and do not sell.

Gossip that everyone knew on the industry is that Hollywood barely made money, most of their films were near flopping but with one Big Hit like Avengers, Jurassic Park, Lion King, Avatar ...Hollywood typically has been able to make its money back and recover any loss but things are changing now for the big films by big names like Warner Bros, 20th Century Studios, Paramount Pictures, Disney has bought out Fox and studios like MGM and Columbia are owned by the Japanese Sony.

The movie studios and world cinema's if they were smart could have bought up outdoor cinema, purchased closed down sites for cars, park lots and old unused farmers fields, built open cinema, traditional drive in theatre like the days of old
Japan culture S.Korea movies outsell Hollywood & US media is crashing / Not So Free Chat (1)
...but they didnt try to adapt or evolve in a changing world.

The current audience was already moving away, the soft power of Hollywood gone. People were already growing tired of remakes, you could read on some of the blogs and boards and sites like twitter you got to read what fans thought, they felt Hollywood was driving the whole entertainment media into the ditch. They are also out of ideas! How many times today can they remake a new Batman a King Kong a 'Superman' a "Dracula" or Ghostbusters or Teenage Mutant Turtles or Bond or Xmen or Rocky or Planet of the Apes or Friday the 13th movies again and again and again with more remakes.
It was once a place of innovation and free ideas but now its dying, the whole Corona lockdown or poor response to the Covid virus might be the final blow that kills Hollywood off for good. They have already done every Jerry Siegel Superman story, almost every Stan Lee Marvel comic, done every one of the conservative Frank Miller shocking comicbooks from Sincity to 'Cursed' to his Dark Knight Batman vs Superman stories, they have already done every Alan Moore story who said 'all of sorts of deeply offensive things about the modern entertainment industry clearly having no ideas of its own and having to go through dust bins and spittoons in the dead of night to recycle things.'
I personally think Hollywood is dead today and the US comicbook industry and other media will soon follow
How did Hollywood and US comicbooks crash so fast while Asian movies and Japanese toons have risen to only get stronger and stronger.

'The Untold Truth Of Demon Slayer'
https://www.looper.com/434112/the-untol … on-slayer/
Japan Catoon Movie Jumping to the English-speaking world. Shortly after its release, the "Demon Slayer" movie became a worldwide, record-breaking phenomenon.

The landscape has changed and there is newer competition in media, the Traditional Cinema also got replaced by the home tv and online streaming, services like Hulu, Youtube, Netflix, Disney Plus+ the Apple Tv, Philo's TV and HBO have replaced the tradional Cable and are replacing big Box Office Cinema, if California refuses to make films this year then people can run off to buy a product from some other place like Australia or Japan can they also watch them on another service. The animation “Demon Slayer” came from Japan, the Lord of the Rings movies filmed in New Zealand, Mortal Kombat a 2021 martial arts video game inspired fantasy film was made in Australia, the 'Mad Max' is another franchise not made in the USA, it is an Australian dystopian post apocalypse scifi film, if Hollywood doesnt make stuff that sells people will still have other options, they can buy Japanese toons buy film made in other countries even during the global Corona virus.

'Anime' is the term used hand-drawn Japanese toons and computer animation originating from Japan, the Manga term is used to describe their style of comicbook. The Japanese already had a following world wide with their media, their video gamer products are big sellers, Sony Playstation products from Sega like Sonic or Nintendo's Mario already are huge sellers for many decades, they make Lord of the Rings style Fantasy games called Dragon Quest and zombie horror style video games like Resident Evil or Biohazard it is not unsual for a Japan video game to sell more than 10 million copies or over 11 million or 12,500,000 + copies, US companies have started to get into the sales with the latest Xbox or games like Call of Duty or Sports Video Games but the Japanese have dominated sales for years and will continue to dominate for years more. Political events seem to have happened within the US gaming industry known as 'Gamergate' every person seems to have a different opinion as to what Gamergate actually is but it would seem to describe some kind of backlash or ideological manipulation within the US gaming industry, for whatever reasons Japan is not having its own Gamergate moment but the US gaming industry may be self censoring offensive stuff against the wishes of the Video game fans? The gaming thing became so big that even wikileaks go involved https://archive.today/o/UXsTM/http://ww … eyes-190rr If American media products don't sell then other products from overseas are going to sell anyway, a lot of US tv shows are made overseas in places like Canada for example. Foreign media like French films and Cartons, HongKong movies, Italian movies, S.Korean movies, the new breed of Asia Horror Film, the Thai Ong-Bak Kickboxing movies, all these overseas brands they already had a pretty strong cult following in American scenes, some are dubbed some are subtitled. You also get indie films made in other parts of the States, in Canada, Australia, Latin America and other places in competition inside US stores and online sites competition against the big expensive traditional Hollywood brands.

Here are the types of media buzz headlines you see from Asia entertainment media

The Japanese 'Demon Slayer The Movie Hit At Overseas Box Office!'
https://forum.animatedviews.com/viewtop … &start=135
Anime Demand Has Risen Over 30% Domestically This Year
https://www.deviantart.com/dairugger/jo … -882091682
Japan “Demon Slayer” Manga Outsells Entire US Comics Industry
https://nerdbot.com/2021/05/24/demon-sl … s-industry
Manga Outselling Amercian Comics
https://www.geeksandgamers.com/topic/ma … an-comics/

Overseas film and Indie movies are typically 'Low Budget' far away from the big superstar Hollywood Expensive Actors and expensive sets and huge CGI production. The Foreign Movie Productions and little Indie films sometimes make highly sucessful movies for Under 10 Million, independent movie studios delivering far more cash in return. Hollywood movies are expsnive they may cost 150 $ Million + to make, huge budgets needing huge returns, Tenet and the Wonder Woman remake are now some of Hollywood's most expensive box office bombs when turkeys like this flop they can cost 50 Million in Losses maybe 100 Million Lost or more.

Ricky Gervais might have marked the death of Hollywood, he Boldly went on stage at the Awards shw and Very Graphically Called Them Out. Hollywood was once seen as a bunh of hard working immigrants, in the early days it were otehr studios like Florida making all the movies. A lot of immigrants came of California in its early days, there were immigrants of the Jewish faith, French, Scottish, Japanese, Chiinese, Italian, German, people of ethnic Jewish setting up the early studios, they were hard working and if there was an gossip or sleaze its seems they the elite of Hollywood were able to keep things out of sight and quiet, they could perhaps control the local newspapers and police to keep scandals hidden, these days all the behind the scenes drama and gossip and criminal acts are out in the open with social media like twitter etc Hollywood in general today is seen as a den of perverts, or people out of touch with reality, something has changed with all these cults exposed, the Epstein human trafficking, people are following the gossip and crimes within the entertainment industry itself Surviving R. Kelly the tv show had millions of views and received critical acclaim.

A big issue that seems to also annoy fans seem to be pushing of political agendas, regressive disturbing politics, for example you have self-centered, conceited, egotistical politics shoehorned into comicbooks and agenda from politics forced into books where it is not neeeded, everything becomes communist or nazi, it goes from one extreme to another. They change Superman or Captain America or other characters to Black African or Lesbian or Gay or Muslim or Transexual or whatever agenda they want to push that week. In some Hollywood Tv shows, Movies and Cartoons there now seems to be a Brainwashing children propaganda, filling their heads with political nonsense before their logical thinking brain develops, in some tv shows you have horrible levels of indoctrination trying to make kids apologize for something they never did. All these wide diverse socialist ideas and hirings do not always work out, for example Marvel comicbooks announced they fired their outsourced Indonesian artist who inserted Islamist political images into issues of X-Men Gold comics. There have also been wider allegations of abuse, or against sexual abuse and sexual harassment figures like Rose McGowan, Asia Argento in the wider entertainment industry, women became leading voices in the #MeToo movement, the wider movement might have helped expose 'sex cults' within comicbook tv shows. Warner Bros and DC faced even bigger scandals and have tried to distance themselevs from a human trafficker branding Cult that was linked to one of its Sueprman tv shows, Actors going from ‘Smallville’ to a 'NXIVM' Sex Cult. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NXIVM
In Hollywood in general outside all of these scandals it seems that studios are arrogant the fans who follow complain they're mocked by the arrogant narcissistic people that work at the studios. The people at the studios think just add more michael bay style explosions, they thought that plenty of CGI and shootngs lasers and action scenes were enough to over come a poor story or bad lazy writing.

'Demon Slayer' takes away 'Spirited Away's' Japanese box office record
Japan culture S.Korea movies outsell Hollywood & US media is crashing / Not So Free Chat (2)
https://www.animationxpress.com/animati … ce-record/

Many of the modern comicbook entertainment writers are now out of a job
DC Comics, DC Universe Hit By Major Layoffs
https://www.comicsbeat.com/dc-layoffs-r … bloodbath/
https://geekculture.co/crisis-looms-as- … structure/
https://movieweb.com/dc-comics-streamin … rnermedia/
https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/dc- … 27891.html
https://www.themarysue.com/dc-universe- … r-layoffs/
https://bleedingcool.com/comics/dc-bloo … -laid-off/

Hollywood is About to Lose $5 Billion to Coronavirus
The point is, Hollywood was crashing well before the pandemic and the reason is clearly related to the change in priorities from making money and making consumers happy to making value statements regardless of logic or practicality.
https://www.sgtreport.com/2020/10/holly … dont-care/
The Hollywood Industry Faces the Hardest Truth
https://www.indiewire.com/2020/08/holly … 234579572/
Hollywood Could Lose $20 Billion Due To Coronavirus Delays
https://wegotthiscovered.com/movies/hol … us-delays/

The comicbook industry and Hollywood itself is on the brink of total collapse

Last edited by Mars_B4_Moon (2021-06-21 08:26:59)

Japan culture S.Korea movies outsell Hollywood & US media is crashing / Not So Free Chat (2025)
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